There has been so much said about staying celibate until marriage, so I’m not about to write another epistle, I’ll just show you the gains you can enjoy from waiting for the right time.
Forget what anyone has said, there’s nothing special about sex. It’s just temporary pleasure. You could even feel regret and disgust for yourself after doing it, unless you’re married. I have spoken to a number of people who were honest about that fact. So why rush into something if you’re going to feel awful about yourself in the end. Besides, in today’s world where everyone is having premarital sex without restrain, it comes with a feeling of fulfillment to be able to standout and break away from the norm. To be able to beat the peer pressure and wait for the special one you’ll ultimately end with, the joy it’ll give you is immeasurable.
The primary reason why there are so many abortions each year is because too many young people are engaging in premarital sex. I don’t need to mention that so many young women have lost their lives, wombs and had their health deteriorate because they’ve gone under the knife a little too often for their own good. Of course it wouldn’t be so if they waited until they got married before getting involved in sexual activity.
The average lady gets her heart broken at least, 3 or 4 times before she finally settles with the one. Why be average when you can be different? The average man just wants to get laid, and would say anything to get in your pants, even if it means lying about how they truly feel about you. Do not give him the opportunity to gloat, you can be happy without heartbreak, you just have to stay away from those who want to get into your pants.
Virginity is a rare thing. Imagine how thrilled your partner would feel upon finding that you stayed celibate up until THAT MOMENT. He’d love you even more because it’s a rarity. I mean, let’s face it, wouldn’t your respect for your man go way up if you found out he kept himself all for you?
Finally, should we talk about the STIs flying around? My guess is you already know that too. Celibacy until marriage isn’t ‘uncool’ like the regular person tends to have us believe, if critically examined, you’ll find that it’s all for your good ultimately. And it doesn’t matter if you’ve had sex countless times already, it’s never too late to change and save yourself. Do not sacrifice tomorrow’s happiness for today’s 5 minutes of pleasure.