Another study by researchers of The University of Rochester also found that women are more attracted to men wearing a particular colour of cloth.
We carried a report on a research that revealed that most men are attracted to ladies in red dress and a research led by Andrew Elliot, Professor of Psychology at the University of Rochester found that women are also more attracted to men in red. What really is in this colour red? Well, what do you expect when just one colour signifies love and yet danger. According to Andrew Elliot “We found that women view men in red as higher in status, more likely to make money and more likely to climb the social ladder. And it’s this high-status judgment that leads to the attraction”.
The author sees both culture and biology as a reason why red plays a dominant role; in human societies across the globe, red has always been used to represent prosperity. Ancient China, Japan and sub-Saharan Africa all used red to display wealth and prosperity; powerful citizens in Ancient Rome wore red, and in recent times the red carpet and red tie men wear usually signify elegance.
Elliot also explained that “When women see red it triggers something deep and probably biologically engrained”
The research analysed responses from 288 females as they were tested to seven different experiments and the results pointed out that women are more attracted to men in red.
Now you know this fella; so do I see someone getting a red shirt really soon?