man on a date with lady

We live in a world where we like to fix things at the dying minute rather than do the right things at the right time.

One common culture in many marriages today is the lack of interest by couples in something as simple as date nights. With keen interest, I’ve noticed that it’s younger couples that value the meaning of the word ‘romantic’, but everything changes too soon when they get married and few months after their marriage.

Young college lovers and lovers before they get married are so engrossed in each other because of the valuable time they spend together; loads of date nights together, lots of fun activities and every moment together is magic. So why can’t married couples keep this up?

Your answer might be children, life pressures, responsibilities, family, stress and a thousand other reasonable bunch of excuses. Truth is, while other things you pursue in life might be important, it doesn’t mean they should be at the expense of your marriage, and it also doesn’t mean that you can pursue your life goals without creating a breeding ground for a lovely home — after all, building a lovely home at a time was the goal of every young man and woman — so when did your priority change?

There are seven days a week, meaning you can create at least one day of every week to do something fun, loving and magical with your partner – and it doesn’t have to be expensive. The impact this would create in your marriage would be tremendous. But when you don’t do this, you save money at the time, but you would spend times ten when you have to pay for the services of marriage counsellors, therapists and worse still, go through a divorce.

Almost every marriage would be intact and be loving and peaceful, if only couples knew that date nights are less expensive than marriage counsellors. Charity, they say begins at home, and you can hardly have a good life if you don’t have a good home.

