Even though your Facebook friends might not like the fact you tag and share photos with your partner, doing this might actually help your relationship.
According to a 2013 study from Western Illinois University, people who report appearing in more photos with their partners on Facebook and who regularly tag their partner in their status updates tend to have closer romantic relationships.
A 2015 study from the University of Wisconsin-Madison also found that Facebook self-presentational cues (actions that signal a couple is together) such as relationship status, tagging, sharing photos, commenting on walls, or status updates increased the commitment a couple had toward one another.
Dr Catalina Toma, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in a Daily Dot report said:
“If you present yourself as a couple through these displays on Facebook, you’re likely to be more committed to your partner and for the relationship to last longer.”
So will you consider making your relationship official on Facebook?