I’m sure this would interest the ladies. A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that a man’s finger holds many details to how he would act when with a lady.
According to the study, the length of a man’s finger can determine if he would have certain masculine features like being assertive, aggressive and athletic. The researchers reveal that the length of a man’s finger is determined by the amount of testosterone he was born with.
To conduct the study, the researchers studied two groups of undergraduate students: those with masculinized fingers and those with feminized fingers. They found that the male students with masculinized fingers were more likely to impress their girlfriends or dates, especially those who believed they could get any girl.
The researchers also differentiated the men with masculine and feminine fingers. A man with masculinized fingers has short index fingers and longer ring fingers, showing his masculine and testosterone-powered personality. Men with feminized fingers have longer index fingers than his rings fingers: they were more exposed to estrogen in the womb, and therefore, have a more feminine personality.
“Prenatal testosterone drives men to put more time and energy into buying products and services in order to impress women.” The researchers explained.
Also, the researchers revealed that even though women had feminized fingers, they still make huge efforts to impress men, such as dressing trendy, applying makeup and using jeweleries. They do this to attract a potential lover.
“Prenatal estrogen drives women to spend more time and energy towards buying products and services in order to impress men,” the researchers explained.
Finally, researchers concluded that men’s prenatal exposure to testosterone and women’s prenatal exposure to estrogen creates their sex drive. This sex drive pushes them to impress their possible love interest with romantic gestures.
It’s all in the fingers ladies; if you want to know a man who would take higher responsibilities and spend to impress you then check his fingers.