Who gets married without seeking for love? Everyone wants to be loved, and love isn’t just mere words, love is shown and expressed.

A husband who loves his wife shows her just how much love he has for her, while a husband who doesn’t also shows it by his actions.

These are some major differences between a loving and unloving husband:

1. A loving husband cares about the feelings and emotions of his wife, but an unloving husband is nonchalant in everything.

2. A loving husband shows his love by being there; he’s one person that his wife can run to when she needs someone to be there for her. An unloving husband is never there, he never wants to be there and chooses not to be there.

3. A loving husband takes that extra step and shows that extra commitment in his marriage and tries to make the marriage work. An unloving husband has lost interest in the success of the marriage.

4. A loving husband loves to make his wife happy; he loves to put a smile on that woman’s face. An unloving husband doesn’t care whether his wife  is happy or unhappy, and he’s never the reason for her joy.

5. A loving husband makes his wife a priority; she takes first place in his life and she knows it. An unloving husband never gives his wife the first place and never makes her a priority.

6. A loving husband is his wife’s defender; he’s interested in protecting her image outside and not making her lose her image in the public eye. An unloving husband wouldn’t mind making his wife a laughing-stock; he has no interest in defending her and making her seem valuable.

7. A loving husband makes his wife glow; he makes her happy and is the reason for her sparks. He takes care of her and showers her with affection. An unloving husband does none of these.

8. A loving husband respects his wife; he’s not a wife beater, he listens to her and respects her opinion even when they don’t agree. An unloving husband barely respects his wife; he craves for all the respect and doesn’t give back.

9. A loving husband understands that a woman feeds off the attention of her man, so he gives her enough attention. But an unloving husband doesn’t care about giving his wife attention and sees no need to.


Love is shown and expressed and it can never be hidden; it either exists or it doesn’t. It can never be in-between.

