Going on a date with someone you like can be exciting and scary at the same time. Exciting because you are finally going to be with your love interest, but scary because you’re only getting to know them, and you’re not sure what puts them off. We have all been there, and that’s the reason, we consider the situation of high importance.

The following tips should guide you on a first date. Be sure to follow them to the latter if you want to have a non-regrettable experience.

1. Don’t spend the time talking about you. Let them talk about themselves too. It’s a date, don’t forget.

2. Don’t badmouth your exes. Don’t badmouth her exes, either. Say positive things about your past relationships, or don’t say anything at all.

3. Don’t overly compliment your date, except maybe to tell them they look nice when you first meet up, or that you had a good time at the end of a date. Most people would try to give ass-kissy compliments to get their date into bed to the point that it comes off as being phony or a clinical diagnosis. It comes off as a bribe for sex if you do so.

4. Guys, don’t take her to extravagant places on the first date. If a guy starts spoiling a woman right away, she will come to always expect that kind of treatment. Take her someplace nice, quiet, intimate, and inexpensive, until you get to know her and whether she is really into you for real. Ladies, this also applies to you. You don’t want a guy living off you.

5. Be careful while talking about sex, even if they bring it up. Most people just get themselves into trouble with this subject.

6. Be charming 90% of the time, and 10% of the time plain naughty. Same goes for teasing. Treat your date like a bratty little sibling no more than 10% of the time, or you will come off as just putting him/her down constantly. And that would make you look insecure.

7. If he/she presses you about past relationships, don’t give in to their pressing. Just carefully wave it off, but in a way that would make you come across as just being playful.

8. Don’t treat the service people badly. Many men/women have been involved in the service industry before, in one capacity or another, and if they see you treating another individual in a demeaning manner, they will often read that as a sign of the demeaning individual you may become later in the relationship.
