The key to looking young forever is not just in going under the knife, wearing expensive makeup or using the best skin care products, sometimes, you can enjoy a young look by eating right.

What do you eat? Is it healthy food? If you have no idea as to what foods you should eat to stay young, these are good examples…



Interestingly, your body can produce all the fats it needs for a healthy skin with two essential fatty acids, Linoleic Acid (LA) and Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA).

And these two are very important for building strong cell walls for youthful and well-nourished skin.

Avocados contain much of essential fatty acids Omega-3 and monounsaturated fats.

They are natural wrinkle softeners and beautify your skin from within according to experts.



Nutritionists suggest that 98% of your hair, skin and nails are made of structural proteins.

Therefore ample protein intake can help aid your reduction of visible signs of ageing whereas deficiencies can result in full blown out pre-mature ageing and even droopy facial muscles.

Eggs are one of the perfect sources of high quality proteins.



Tasty green vegetables like spinach, mustard and fenugreek are packed with antioxidants, polyphenols and chlorophyll.

They aid your body’s system in building cell membranes and preserving collagen that gives you soft, smooth and fresh skin.



This tropical fruit contains lots of Vitamin C, lycopene and potassium which aids you in regulating the balance of water and nutrients in your skin cells.



Not only is it sweet, it helps in keeping your skin cells healthy. It is a great source of calcium and helps your skin cells replenish and rebuild easily.

Yogurt can also be applied on your skin surface. The lactic acid present in it helps to dissolve your dead skin cells.



These red tasty nuts are rich in Vitamin E which works as an antioxidant and thus aids you in reducing wrinkles and keeps your skin looking young all time.



You just can’t get enough of these fruits, we all love it. It provides you with Vitamin C which is the best way to keep your skin looking youthful and glowing.

Drink a glass of lime water made with the juice of two lemons every day to get your minimum daily dose.


Don’t stop at just eating these foods. Eat them regularly, and drink lots of water for the best results.
