There are certain things that should be discussed with a prospective partner before you enter into a serious relationship with him or her. Doing this would save you from regrets later.
Below are 5 things to discuss with a potential partner if you desire a long-term relationship
If you desire the relationship you are about entering to be a long-term relationship, then it’s really important and necessary to ask your potential partner about his or her goals and what he or she hopes to achieve in life. You need to find if your potential partner is passionate about bringing his or her dreams into fruition. You also need to understand if your potential partner would respect your devotion to your goals. It’s important your potential partner shares the same vision of success as you do.
Another very important conversation you should have with your prospective partner is his or her health status. It’s important this question is asked before you start a relationship with your partner. You need to find out if your partner has any health issues he or she thinks you should know. Your partner’s genotype should be known and you also need to find out if they are infected with any sexually transmitted diseases. If your prospective partner isn’t willing to get tested to ascertain they have no sexually transmitted diseases, I believe the idea of having a serious relationship with your prospective partner should be discouraged.
Before making a choice to start a relationship with him or her, a discussion about assigned roles is also important. You need to discuss with your prospective partner the roles you expect from him or her. Let your prospective partner know what you expect from him or her and also find out what your prospective partner expects from you.
This discussion is also important because whether we like it or not, finance plays a huge role in relationships. You need to know the state of your partner’s finances and also know your prospective partner’s spending habits. You have to know if your prospective partner lives below or above his or her means. You have to find out if your prospective partner is extremely frugal or an impulse shopper. You need to know if your prospective partner has a financial savings culture that you are comfortable with. Talks about finance are too important to leave until a relationship becomes too serious.
This is something I expect you to discuss with a prospective partner as issues relating to sex can seriously harm a relationship. I expect prospective partners to discuss their sexual needs as sexual compatibility in a relationship is important. If you want to wait for sex, it’s also important you discuss this with your prospective partner and not wait until the relationship becomes serious.