A bra is an essential item in a woman’s wardrobe and it’s important every woman knows the basic bra rules. There are rules that guide the use of bras and if you didn’t know that before now, then you should probably keep reading. These rules are simple rules that would guide your use of bras and they are rules you can’t easily forget.
Below are the basic bra rules
1. It’s so wrong to just own a pair of bra. Bras are very important underwear and every woman should have at least three pairs. If you can have more, then you should. So if you have just one bra, then you need to add more bras to your bra collection as it’s important you rotate your bras.
2. How do you wash your bras? It’s important you hand wash your bras as this would maximize the life expectancy of your bras. No matter how busy you are, you should create out time to hand wash your bras.
3. When using your bra, always ensure the gore lies flat against your sternum without any gaps between your body and the bra. The gore is the center of the bra that connects the cups in front.
4. Never forget the primary function of your bra is to support your breast. The general rule of thumb when using bras is you should be able to stick no more than two fingers between your back and your bra strap.
5. Always clasp your bras when they are in your drawers or any other place you keep them as leaving them unclasped could make other clothing get caught by the closures and this isn’t what you want as you could ruin your garments.
So ladies, these are the 5 bra rules that you need to know.