happy family

When you are a good husband and a good father, you would have a lovely home, full of peace, joy and love, and you would have the best family one can think of.

How do you know you’re a good father and husband?

1. You never cheat on your wife; this is non-negotiable.

2. You work hard enough to provide for your family. You can’t be a good husband and father when you’re a lazy man.

3. Your family is a priority to you.

4. You aren’t self-centred and want your wish alone to be done.

5. You treat your wife with respect in front of your children.

6. You instill good morals in your children.

7. You know how to show your kids love and enforce discipline when need be.

8. You spend quality time with your wife.

9. You make out quality time for your children too.

10. You are friends with your children and your wife’s best friend.

11. You are a good father figure.

12. You do things to make your family happy.

13. You treat your wife like a queen.

14. When your daughter prays to have a man like you, then you should know that you’ve done a good job.

15. You are responsible to your wife and family.

16. You never hit your wife, and you treat her with value.

17. Your wife glows because she knows she got a good man.

18. Your kids learn from you and look up to you.

19. Your wife would choose you everyday.

20. You are a good leader. You communicate, you forgive, you apologise, and you don’t act like the boss because you are the man of the house.

21. Your family misses you when you are away.

22. Your family feels blessed.

23. You and your wife are teammates.

24. Your wife feels secure. She knows she has a faithful and loving man.

25. Your children love you dearly.


Being a good husband and father should be every man’s dream. However, priorities have changed these days, but there are still some men who can boast of being good fathers and husbands.

If you haven’t been one, it’s never too late to be a good father and husband. If you aren’t a father and husband yet, then the time is now to build yourself for the future.

