
We all deserve to be in a relationship in which we feel loved, valued and appreciated. You can’t call what you have a relationship if you don’t feel valued and appreciated.

If you notice these signs in your relationship, you don’t have to wait for your partner to tell you that it’s over.

Below are 23 signs your relationship is over

1. You always apologize even when you know that you’re are not at fault. Your partner stops saying sorry even when they are wrong.

2. Your partner starts comparing you to everyone he or she knows and thinks everyone has a better relationship.

3. You enjoy spending time with your friends than with your partner.

4. Your partner turns down request to things he or she used to do willingly for you.

5. Your partner now has a new friend of the opposite sex he or she now spends more time with.

6. Sex with your partner changes drastically. Your partner seems to have lost interest in having sex with you.

7. You observe something just seems off with your partner.

8. When you first started dating, there was no subject that was off-limits but these days it’s different.

9. Time spent with your partner is boring.

10. Your partner used to call and text you regularly in the beginning but now you are the only one calling and texting constantly.

11. You don’t care what your partner is doing with his or her life.

12. You and your partner are always at each other’s throats.

13. Your partner suddenly becomes a workaholic and rarely has time for you.

14. You find yourself talking to more people of the opposite gender.

15. Your partner rarely holds your hands or touches you.

16. Your partner stops using “we” when making a statement and instead uses “I”.

17. Your partner starts emphasising on him or her wanting their space.

18. Your partner puts you down even when you’re in the company of family or friends.

19. Your partner no longer cares about your satisfaction in bed.

20. Your partner starts forgetting all special occasions like your birthday or anniversary.

21. Your partner suddenly starts seeing flaws in everything you do.

22. Your partner stops telling you about his or her daily events.

23. Something inside of you tells you that it’s over. Learn to trust that feeling.

