Here are 20 warning signs you are in an unhealthy relationship and you

1. You are in an unhealthy relationship if you feel that you are in a relationship that is draining your energy and leaves you feeling exhausted and spent.

2. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner only values you for one thing, whether it be sex, your looks, or your ability to earn money.

3. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner always blames you for their anger and problems. You spend so much time trying to defend yourself or be understood.

4. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner implies you are the “stupid one” in the relationship or that they are “the smart one” in the relationship.

5. You are in an unhealthy relationship if conflicts and arguments always keep popping up in your relationship. A relationship that is defined by conflict, fighting, blaming and a lack of forgiveness is an unhealthy relationship.

6. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner never makes you feel good about yourself; he/she always points out the flaws you have at every given opportunity.

7. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your relationship brings out the worst in you instead of the best in you. Never settle for a relationship filled with so much negativity.

8. You are in an unhealthy relationship if you feel you can’t get your partner’s attention when you want to talk about something important.

9. You are in an unhealthy relationship if there is no trust in your relationship. A relationship which isn’t built on trust will always crumbles.

10. You are in an unhealthy relationship if you don’t feel comfortable confiding in your partner because you are not sure if they would react respectfully or helpfully.

11. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner abuses you physically or emotionally. If your relationship has traits of abuse, it’s important you quit that relationship as your mental and physical safety are at grave risk.

12. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner always insist on having things their way. It’s always you compromising in the relationship because it’s either their way or the high way.

13. You are in an unhealthy relationship if you are trying to appease your partner by being someone you’re not. If you are afraid that your partner won’t like you or may leave if he/she truly gets to know you, then you are in an unhealthy relationship.

14. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner lies to you repeatedly. Your partner is never honest and it’s difficult knowing when he/she is actually being truthful.

15. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner embarrasses you privately or publicly.

16. You are in an unhealthy relationship if when you argue, one or both of you always just gets defensive. Neither you nor your partner is ever willing to accept the other person has a valid point. When you argue, you just blame each other rather than each accepting some blame.

17. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner can’t communicate with you in a healthy and normal way. He/she always resorts to screaming at you and refuses to talk about tough issues in the relationship.

18. You are in an unhealthy relationship if you always find yourself lying to others about your partner because you’re ashamed of your partner’s behaviour.

19. You are in an unhealthy relationship if you don’t enjoy spending time with your partner. Your relationship is doomed if you enjoy your partner’s absence.

20. You are in an unhealthy relationship if your partner tries to control everything you do including how you spend money, which friends you can invite to the house, or even your clothing choices.

