If you notice these signs in your relationship, you could just be in a fake relationship.

Check them out below

1. Your relationship is fake if your relationship is a secret and your partner doesn’t want to introduce you to his/her family and friends.

2. Your relationship is fake if your partner never talks about a future together with you. It means he/she doesn’t intend on committing to you.

3. Your relationship is fake if your partner doesn’t communicate his/her inner thoughts and feelings to you. If your partner isn’t free and open with you, then you are in a fake relationship.

4. Your relationship is fake if your partner withholds important information about himself/herself from you.

5. Your relationship is fake if your partner doesn’t show any interest in knowing things about you.

6. Your relationship is fake if your partner doesn’t care about what you want from a relationship.

7. Your relationship is fake if your partner always threatens to end the relationship during every argument. If it’s that easy for your partner to end the relationship, then your relationship is fake.

8. Your relationship is fake if your partner never takes the blame for anything. Your partner blames everyone else but himself/herself anytime something goes wrong.

9. Your relationship is fake if your partner finds it difficult to apologise.

10. Your relationship is fake if your partner is constantly too busy to spend quality time with you.

11. Your relationship is fake if your partner lies about his/her activities.

12. Your relationship is fake if your partner disrespects you in front of friends. Respect is everything in a relationship.

13. Your relationship is fake if your partner makes fun of you in public.

14. Your relationship is fake if your partner undermines your achievements or efforts.

15. Your relationship is fake if your partner uses words or actions to make you feel small, inadequate or unimportant.

16. Your relationship is fake if your partner is always right.

17. Your relationship is fake if your partner doesn’t trust you and constantly snoops through your text messages or social media accounts.

18. Your relationship is fake if your partner doesn’t back his/her words with actions.

19. Your relationship is fake if your partner compares you with an ex.

20. Your relationship is fake if your partner doesn’t appreciate your efforts. Your partner shouldn’t take you for granted.

