If you notice multiple number of these signs in your relationship, you are not in a normal relationship.

Here are 20 signs you are not in a normal relationship

1. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner doesn’t respect your “NO”.

2. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner enjoys mocking you and making fun of you.

3. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner insists you do things his/her way or quit the relationship.

4. You are not in a normal relationship if you frequently catch your partner telling a lie.

5. You are not in a normal relationship if you and your partner would rather blame each other than accept the blame.

6. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner cheats on you.

7. You are not in a normal relationship if arguments with your partner turn into threats.

8. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner always compares you to others.

9. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner thinks you are privileged to be with him/her because he/she thinks they are better than you.

10. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner never compromises.

11. You are not in a normal relationship if you feel lonely even when with your partner.

12. You are not in a normal relationship if you and your partner are very critical of each other.

13. You are not in a normal relationship if you prefer to spend time with friends than spend time with your partner. Nothing excites you when you are with your partner.

14. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner is never there when you need him/her.

15. You are not in a normal relationship if you and your partner can’t confide in each other.

16. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner belittles your success.

17. You are not in a normal relationship if you don’t feel secure in your relationship.

18. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner doesn’t make you feel good about your body.

19. You are not in a normal relationship if your partner influences you negatively and never causes a positive change in you.

20. You are not in a normal relationship if the only thing your partner cares about is having sex with you.

