Below are 17 secrets about guys every woman would definitely find helpful.

1. Men naturally love to impress a woman. That’s the reason why he shows off his expensive watch or gadgets whenever you are around him.

2. Trust me when I say men know their priorities. If your man is always too busy to be with you, he probably doesn’t want to be with you anymore.

3. Guys love compliments too.

4. Guys get a little jealous and threatened when a woman they like is playful with other guys than with him.

5. Guys find it difficult apologising and admitting that they are wrong. Most times they know they are wrong and you’re absolutely right.

6. Guys also talk about women with other guys too. Guys gossip too.

7. Guys love the chase because when they finally get the woman to go out with them, it makes them feel the reward is greater.

8. Guys feel most of the things women feel but the difference is guys find it hard to express them.

9. Guys like finding solutions to a woman’s problems because it makes them feel like a hero.

10. Guys love girls who are upfront about their feelings.

11. Guys like pretty girls but there has to be more than the pretty face.

12. Guys are jealous of other guys who drive exotic cars just as women are jealous of other women with closets full of designer outfits.

13. Guys can always sense a confident woman from a mile away.

14. Guys love it when they can make a woman laugh. Makes him feel important.

15. Guys also worry about what women think about his fashion sense.

16. Guys love it when you show him off to your friends. It means you think he is completely worthy of you.

17. Men also cry and feel hurt. Forget how strong he may look.

