You can’t build a successful relationship without respect. If you want to be treated with respect, it’s necessary you do same to your partner because respect is reciprocal.
Here are 15 ways you can treat your partner with respect
1. Think before you speak so you will avoid making statements you will regret later. Words once spoken can’t be taken back.
2. Never belittle your partner or make your partner feel incapable. Always speak well of your partner.
3. Support your partner’s choices.
4. Never compare your partner to other persons. Doing this is disrespectful.
5. Don’t hold grudges against your partner. Be willing to forgive your partner’s mistakes.
6. Avoid telling friends and family about your partner’s flaws.
7. When bringing a complaint to your partner, be careful not to criticise your partner.
8. Listen to your partner’s needs, concerns and desires.
9. Make the things that matter most to your partner a priority.
10. Never interrupt your partner. Its disrespectful when you don’t let your partner finish a sentence.
11. Focus on the good qualities in your partner that you admire.
12. Appreciate everything your partner does for you, whether big or small. Always say thank you.
13. Admit your mistakes and apologise as soon as possible.
14. Mind the tone you use when talking to your partner. Avoid impatient and irritable tones.
15. Respond to your partner’s request and avoid acting like they are inconsequential.