Knowledge is power; the more about everything you know, the better positioned you are to take on life and be the best you can be. The year is far from finished, so there’s plenty of time to set yourself a goal or two and go on to achieve them. As you go about that though, you’ll need plenty of inspiration and motivation — things you can always count on us for on Here are a few to keep you going.
1. Try to take a walk for about 10 to 20 minutes every day. This will help you clear your head, take your mind off some of those things that have had you stressed and create space for some happiness in you.
2. Make time to meditate every day of your life. Some of the great men and women we know today are thinkers. They take out time to meditate and think alone often. It allows one to focus and be creative.
3. Let go of yesterday. Dwelling in the past will only stop you from focusing and maximising the present. Think about today and what you can achieve tomorrow. So what if you failed yesterday? It is in the past, and letting go of it is the beginning of a greater tomorrow.
4. Stay away from friends who do not add anything meaningful to your life. I’m not saying do not say ‘hello’ when you see them, but do not get too close because you’re the company you keep. Keep them at arm’s length. Only befriend people who add to you positively and make you a better person than you are. If you’re wiser than all your friends, you’re keeping the wrong company.
5. Goof around sometimes. There is time for everything; a time to be serious and a time to be goofy. Being overly serious all the time would only drain you of good energy and scare good people away from you. So, loosen up sometimes, laugh, play and be jolly. Life is too short to be taken too seriously.
6. Be forgiving. Keeping hatred in your heart would only stop you from being fully happy yourself. If someone wrongs you, no matter how grave and hurtful it may seem, please, let it all go and make peace with them if they apologise. Even if they don’t, forgive them still. Hatred is like a heavy burden; it’ll continue to weigh you down until you let it go.
7. Take things at your own pace. So your peers are all hitting it big and your life seems stagnated? It doesn’t matter. We all have different stars, so our journeys will be different as well. Do not compare yourself to other people. Do not rush things before they’re ripe. Allow things to unfold themselves while you keep at what you do. Success comes to all who work hard and wait for it.
8. Be Benevolent. Give to those around you who have needs you can meet. If there’s something I know to be true in life, it is that givers never lack. The more you give the more favour you’re likely to attract from people.
9. Lower your expectations of others. Learn not to place people on too high a pedestal. Take people the way you see them. No one is a Superman/woman and people can change at anytime. So expect anything from anybody — that way you’re rarely disappointed.
10. Pay no attention to gossip and cheap talk. People will always say something about you; some bad, some nice, some true, some false, just don’t let it faze you. Let it go in one ear, and out the other. Keep your focus, brother / sister!
11. Change is the only constant in life. Whatever it is you’re facing today will pass tomorrow, all you need to do is give it time to turn around. Nothing remains the same forever.
12. Keep real friends close. We all know who our real friends are. I mean the one’s who truly have our backs when the chips are down. Remember to always keep them close. Call them now and then and keep in touch because you’ll need them in this journey called life.
13. Failure is not the end. You can fall a thousand times, and people will laugh at you, but it won’t matter once you rise up, dust yourself and become that thing you have always wanted to be. So always keep at what you do. Don’t let one or two failures deter you from going for what you desperately want.
14. Spend wisely. Only a foolish person has no savings, no goals, no plan. Wise people think of tomorrow and make provisions for it. They save from the little or much they make today, so that they have something to fall on tomorrow.
15. Finally, Please eat and drink as much that’s healthy for you. Only the living can make plans and save for tomorrow. And do not forget to apply everything contained herein. They’ll help you through life this year and beyond. Cheers!