How much do you really know about protein? Minus the elementary knowledge of protein which taught us that protein is a body building food, there is more to protein than just that.

1. Proteins make up about 15% of the mass of the average person.

2. Proteins belong to a class of organic compound called polyamides.

3. Many nutrition organisations recommend a modest intake of protein, which should equate to 56 grams per day for the average sedentary man and 46 grams per day for the average sedentary woman.

However, some studies seem to suggest that though this modest amount might prevent deficiency, it isn’t enough to ensure optimal health and body composition.

4. Many health experts differ on what the right amount of protein actually is, but most agree that the right amount of protein for an individual depends on factors such as age, physical activity, muscle mass and current state of health.

5. Protein consumption helps speed recovery after exercise.

6. Consuming high protein foods helps reduce muscle loss as well as build lean muscle.

7. Protein consumption helps curb hunger and also helps in maintaining a healthy weight.

8. You need protein to make enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals.

9. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissue.

10. It’s an important component of every cell in your body. Your nails and hair are mostly made of protein.

11. Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.

12. Just like carbohydrates and fat, protein is a macronutrient; that is your body needs large amounts of it.

13. There are two categories of protein — complete and incomplete proteins.

Complete proteins come from animal products such as fish, beef, chicken etc. They contain virtually all the essential amino acids needed to help keep our bodies fit.

Incomplete proteins are found in plant fruits such as vegetables, nuts, beans etc. They contain a limited amount of amino acids and must be eaten in large quantities to be able to get a good amount that’s needed for your health and body function.

14. It’s also important to know that unlike fat and carbohydrates, the body doesn’t store Protein and doesn’t have a reserved quantity to draw from when it needs a new supply.

Now you know why protein is so important to body. You can also read 5 signs your body needs protein.

