You shouldn’t take chances with the rest of your life. Here are 12 things you should know about your partner before getting engaged
1. It’s important you know your partner’s career goals and understand how it might affect your relationship with each other before getting engaged.
2. Don’t just assume your partner want kids. Find out from your partner if he/she wants kids and the number of kids they want before getting engaged. Trivial issues like this can destroy a marriage.
3. You should have discussions about boundaries in your relationship before getting engaged to your partner. You both need to know the boundaries in your relationship to avoid disrespecting each other.
4. You shouldn’t get engaged to your partner without the both of you being open about your finances. You should know how much your partner earns and vice versa. You also need to know if your partner have any debts before getting engaged. Issues with finance are the number one cause of divorce.
5. You need to know your partner’s hobbies before getting engaged with your partner. Knowing the things your partner loves is important if you want that marriage to succeed.
6. You should know each other’s families before getting engaged to your partner. Marriage is a union of two families and it’s important you get to know about your partner’s family before getting engaged to your partner.
7. You should know your partner’s friends especially his/her best friend before getting engaged to your partner. You can’t claim to know your partner if you haven’t met your partner’s inner circle.
8. You have to understand how your partner responds to stress before getting engaged to your partner. If you can’t handle your partner when he/she is stressed out, then you have no business getting engaged.
9. You should know about your partner’s past before getting engaged to your partner. Many marriages have ended due to a hidden past. You don’t have to have every detail of your partner’s past but you should at least have an idea. Whether we like it or not, our past helped shape who we are today.
10. It’s important you have a knowledge about your partner’s spending habits before getting engaged to your partner. You need to be comfortable with your partner’s spending habits before getting engaged to your partner.
11. You need to know your partner’s worst qualities and be willing to accommodate them before getting engaged to your partner.
12. You need to understand how your partner resolves conflicts before getting engaged to your partner. Conflict management is important if you want to have a successful marriage and your marriage is doomed to fail if you and your partner do not handle conflicts properly. Do you use respectful languages with each other during conflicts? Are you both willing to listen to each other during conflicts? These are things you should know before getting engaged.