The Holidays are still here, and in its spirit, I have put together some of the most amazing facts about women you probably never heard of. They’re random, they’re enlightening, and they’re funny, so enjoy!
1. Did you know that when making love, women are bothered about whether or not they look pretty? According to research, during sex, women tend to be very much interested in their looks. This of course, is in sharp contrast with men who are more interested in their performance.
2. Have you seen a woman try to shut her ears to loud music or noise? What did you see her use? If you said ‘fingers’, you’re spot- on! Women tend to use their fingers when they shut their ears while men use their palms.
3. Men like to doze off after a steamy sex session, but not women, they’d rather stay up and talk.
4. According to researchers, women spend an average of 5 days (120hrs) a year just looking at the mirror.
5. Have you ever wondered why women like to carry a purse around? No, it’s not about their makeup and other personal effects, it’s more than that. According to researchers, women feel uncomfortable going out without something in their hands, that’s why you often find them with a purse or a book.
6. The first ever computer programmer in the world was a woman from Britain, known as Augusta Ada Lovelace. I guess it’s not ‘a man’s world’, after all. Lol.
7. More than 70% of women’s wrinkles are caused by too much exposure to sunlight.
8. An average woman swallows between 352 – 1000 tubes of lipstick in her lifetime.
9. Still on women and beauty, according to a new survey, the average woman spends a whooping $15,000 on makeup during her lifetime.
10. Women blink about 2 times more than men. Using this information, we can say that women blink about 17 to 22 times a minute while men do it 15 to 20 times.
11. Women are so trusting; you can earn their trust just by staying in their embrace for as little as 15 seconds every time you hug them.
12. Women wear their belts above their belly button while men wear theirs below their belly button.
And those were some of the facts about women I thought you needed to know. I hope you found them interesting? Do share with your friends.