The flame in your relationship won’t burn out if you and your partner put an effort into making the relationship work.
These tips below will help fire up the passion that brought you and your partner together in the first place.
1. Can you remember the amazing qualities that made you fall in love with your partner? As a relationship progresses, we tend to forget the amazing qualities that made us fall in love with our partner and start focusing on the negatives. If you want to rekindle the flame in your relationship, you need to start focusing on your partner’s positives. Publicly brag about your partner’s amazing qualities.
2. Make sure you communicate with your partner everyday if you want to rekindle the spark in your relationship. Never be too busy to communicate with your partner. Good communication isn’t just about talking, it also involves the ability to pay attention to what your partner is thinking and feeling.
3. Flirt with your partner. We tend to get too familiar with our partners sometimes that we stop flirting with him/her and this is wrong. Flirting with your partner makes your partner know you still find him/her attractive.
4. Can you remember those things you used to do when you started dating your partner? Recall all those cute, little things you used to do that your partner loved so much and start doing them again.
5. Do not avoid your spouse’s needs in the bedroom. Many people stop paying attention to the needs of their spouse in the bedroom after marriage and this is wrong. Make sure you respect the desires of your spouse in the bedroom and try not to be selfish in bed.
6. Avoid taking the little things for granted. One of the reasons the fire in many relationships stopped burning is because they took the little things for granted. Never forget to express gratitude when your partner grants a favour or helps with chores.
7. Focusing on yourself and doing the things that make you happy will help bring back the fire in your relationship. You can’t bring back the fire in your relationship if you aren’t happy. When you pursue the things you are passionate about, you become more interesting to your partner and this helps rekindle the spark in your relationship.
8. When was the last time you touched your partner without the intention of having sex. Touching your partner without a motive of sex will help rekindle the spark in your relationship. Kiss, hug, hold your partner’s hand and touch your partner more often without the motive of having sex.
9. Doing something new with your partner will help rekindle the spark in your relationship. A study found that couples who did new things together felt better about their relationships than those who stuck with routine, mundane activities.
10. After getting married or dating for a long time, couples tend to neglect their appearance and this is wrong. Maintaining your attractiveness will help rekindle the spark in your relationship. You know what attracted your partner to you, so maintain that attractiveness.
11. Avoid taking life too seriously, create time to laugh together with your partner. No one wants a grumpy person as a partner. Even when you have issues with your partner, learn to bring it up with your partner with a good humour. It’s hard to get mad at your partner when you laugh together with your partner.