
How much about farts do you think you know? I guess you don’t know so much apart from the fact that farts could smell real bad.

Find out 11 facts about farts that you don’t know

1. If you think it’s only people who are alive that fart, then you are so wrong because dead people also fart.

2. Fart travels at 11kmhr.

3. Do you always feel the urge to fart when you are travelling by air? Changes in altitude, coupled with atmospheric pressure ramps up intestinal gas volume in your body and this is why you are more likely to fart when you are in an airplane than when you are on land.

4. If you frequently hold your fart, it’s advisable you do that less often because frequently holding in your farts can cause constipation, halitosis, heartburn and hemorrhoids.

5. Lactose-intolerant people are more likely to pass out very offensive fart because they have a tough time digesting dairy, causing it to ferment in the intestine and produce some smelly side effects.

6. Holding in your fart instead of passing it out isn’t something you should do always because when you hold in your fart instead of releasing it, it gets reabsorbed into the intestine’s wall and then mix with your blood which can cause distress to internal organs and even bad breath if the lungs are involved.

7. If you are a smoker, you should quit smoking because smokers are also more prone to passing gas.

8. Have you ever wondered how much gas you pass out each day? On an average, most people pass out a liter of gas each day.

9. You fart more when you are asleep because the sphincter is relaxed, and therefore not on guard.

10. If you have a special date with that special someone, you should mind what you eat because foods rich in sulfur, like meats, eggs, kale and cabbage cause the smelliest farts.

11. Don’t fart close to fire please because farts are flammable

