
The best memories most people have about their relationship is the first few months they got married or started dating. After the exciting first few months of the relationship,  things naturally cool off and if nothing is done, things could just start going wrong in the relationship.

So how then do we bring back the intimacy of the first few months into our relationship? Many choose to increase the number of times they get intimate in the bedroom but I strongly believe s*x alone won’t bring back that intimacy from the first few months you crave for.

Building the foundation of your relationship on s*x isn’t the best way. I believe there are so many other things in a relationship that are more important than s*x.

Don’t get me wrong please. S*x with your partner is fun, lovely, explosive and amazing but s*x alone can’t bring the happiness and intimacy you crave for in your relationship.

Below are 10 ways to get really really close with your partner

1. Walking hand in hand while you take a stroll in the evening is an amazing way to get real close with your partner.

2. When you both get back home from work, cuddle each other as you talk about how each other’s day went. Talking about your day with your partner is important in every relationship and doing it while you cuddle brings you both closer together.

3. Send your partner messages while you are at work to let your partner know you can’t stop thinking of him/her.

4. Who says you shouldn’t flirt with your partner? Flirt with your partner by sending flirtatious messages while you are at work to build the anticipation for an amazing time in the bedroom.

5. You and your partner should find time to give yourselves a massage daily.

6. Create a time to regularly cook with your partner. Playing a good music while you both dance and cook together is so amazing.

7. Cuddle your partner without trying to have s*x with them.

8. Play a game you both love together. It’s a fun way to get real close with your partner.

9. Never leave home without kissing your partner and never go to bed without a kiss too.

10. Appreciate the little things your partner does for you. Whether it’s cooking you a meal, doing the dishes, shopping etc. Never say it’s your partner’s duty so you don’t need to appreciate your partner.

There are so many other ways you can achieve intimacy with your partner. So how do you achieve intimacy with your partner?

