So what’s your sleep position with your partner? Do you sleep with your back to your partner with a gaping space between you and your partner or do you sleep with your back to your partner with your backs touching? Whatever position you choose definitely says something about your relationship according to a new study.
The study was carried out by relationship psychologist Corrine Sweet on behalf of bed specialist Dreams.
1. According to the study, the most common sleep position for couples is the back to back without their backs touching. The sleep position is also known as Liberty. The study also says couples who sleep this way are connected and secure in themselves and the sleep position also shows both closeness and independence in the relationship.
2. The back-to-back sleep position with the couple’s back touching is the second most popular sleep position for couples and according to the study, it is normally a sign of a new relationship. This sleep position means that both partners are relaxed and comfortable with one another. This sleep position is also called Cherish.
3. The third most popular sleep position for couples is the front-to-back sleep position also called Spooning. According to the study, this traditional sleep position demonstrates a dynamic where one partner takes a protective stance over the other.
4. The next sleep position for couples is the face-to-face sleep position also known as the Lovers’ knot. This sleep position is a complex one in which a couple lies facing each other, with their legs and arms intertwined for ten minutes before they separate. This sleep position is a sign of relationship strength and it’s a sign of a compromise between intimacy and independence, allowing for the best of both worlds.
5. There is also the starfish sleeping position for couples also known as the Superhero. In this sleep position, a partner usually dominates the space while the other takes a secondary role; one partner lies in the starfish position pushing the other partner so they’re hanging off the bed.
6. The next sleep position is the Resting head on chest sleep position also known as The romantic sleep position. This position is usually seen in early relationships and it involves one partner resting their head on the other partner’s chest while their legs are intertwined. This sleep position represents vibrant, passionate or rekindled love.
7. There is the Face-to-face without touching sleep position for couples also known as Pillow talk. In this position, the couple face each other with space between their bodies. This position could indicate an emotionally demanding union. This position shows a need for intimacy and close communication.
8. The last sleep position on the list is the Face-to-face with legs intertwined all night also known as The lovers sleep position. Although this sleep position is romantic and very intimate, it shows a lack of independence from each other.
So how do you sleep with your partner?