Man carrying a guitar

Men always want to know what would make a woman more attracted to them, and this study adds just another bit of vital information.

According to a study conducted by Nicolas Guéguen, a researcher at the University of South Brittany in France, women are more attracted to a man carrying a guitar case than a man carrying a gym bag.

To conduct the study, an attractive man approached 300 women and after complimenting them, asked for their phone numbers. He did this to different women in three scenarios: in one scenario, he held a guitar case; in the second scenario, he held a sports bag, and he was empty handed in the third scenario.

Over one third of the women gave him their phone numbers when he carried a guitar case, while 14% gave a positive response when he was empty handed, and only 9% gave their number when he carried a sports bag.

According to the researcher, Nicolas Guéguen; “Music induces a positive effect, and this positive effect primes receptivity to a courtship request.”

The study was published in Psychology of Music.

Also, another study published in Letters on Evolutionary Behavioural Science, found that women are more receptive to a Facebook profile picture with a man carrying a musical instrument.

To conduct the study, the researcher sent out a friend request to 100 single women with a note, “Hey, what’s up? I like your photo.” The only difference was that the sender’s own profile picture either included a guitar or didn’t. At the end of the study, 28 percent of women responded positively to the guitar player, while only 10 percent of women responded positively to the guy without guitar.

These researches show that there is a somewhat connection between women and men who play musical instruments. Researchers even call it: ‘sexual selection theory of music’.

I think I need to go get my own guitar.

