Hello everyone, it’s a beautiful Sunday and just another one for Elcrema Sunday Love Special.
Today’s topic centres on forgiveness; how many times do you forgive your partner/spouse before deciding ‘enough is a enough’? Forgiveness is a virtue; some are blessed with a forgiving heart, some learn to forgive, while many just can’t forgive.
Imagine if you have a partner that continually cheats or a partner that just won’t change; when would you stop forgiving?
This is a very interesting topic; let’s see Drama and Shawn do justice to it.
Read their opinions below:
I’m going to try and be realistic here; it’s easy to say if you love your partner, you would forgive at all times, but it’s hard to actually do so. Yes, when you love your partner you ought to forgive that person, else the relationship wouldn’t go far…but it doesn’t end there.
What if your partner is a perpetual cheat? What if your partner keeps treating you with lack of respect? What if your partner keeps being dishonest at all times? These are deep things that would really make forgiveness freak out. When it comes to just normal relationship mishaps, you should be ready to forgive your partner at all times, but in terms of these major ones, it really depends on a lot of factors.
First, your partner has to be ready to change; it’s quite baseless forgiving someone who isn’t even asking for forgiveness or who isn’t ready to change; it’s like playing a fool the second time.
Sometimes forgiveness is a two way thing, it has a lot to do with one partner being ready to change and the other being ready to forgive and go back to good terms. Moreover, forgiving a cheating partner is a big take and it depends a lot on if you can continue that relationship even after the knowledge of what happened; not everyone can and you can’t blame them.
Also, forgiveness really depends on the heart. Some people are blessed with a forgiving heart, and it’s easy for them to forgive, no matter what, but it isn’t so for everyone. In my opinion, when it comes to those big issues regarding forgiveness, it all depends on the heart, on what it can bear and what it can’t. To me, I’d stop forgiving when my heart has had enough.
Click below to read Drama’s opinion