Hello everyone and welcome to today’s edition of Elcrema Sunday Love Special. Today’s topic would focus on unhealthy relationships and when to leave such a relationship.
Drama and Shawn would share their opinions.
It’s hard to exactly tell another person when to walk out on a sour relationship, because we all differ in character and personality, as well as the limits that we are willing to go. What would seem unbearable to one person may only be very tolerable to another, so it’s a bit difficult to come out and outrightly decide for a person when they should quit a sour relationship. However, I can only speak for myself and from my position.
As much as we all want to have stability and enjoy some longevity in our relationships, it’s not okay to stay in one when it’s clearly not healthy for you. What do I mean by that? If you’re in a relationship with a person who’s an incorrigible cheat, the best thing to do is walk out on it, and that’s because the longer you stay in it, the more you suffer— note that I mentioned ‘incorrigible.’ Before you slam one with that title, they would have to be a chronic cheat, meaning that they would have broken your heart time and again. In that instance, it’s not safe to be with them. Violence and disrespect of any sort are other reasons I deem big enough to walk out of any relationship, because they take away your happiness and self-worth, and that completely goes against the purpose of having a relationship in the first place.
So, for me, it’s all about happiness. Once you get to the point when you’re no longer happy and you see no hope of a change anytime soon, it’s very okay to move on from that relationship.
A lot of people remain in unhealthy relationships for a very long time, and people endure the relationship with the belief that things would get better — but it hardly ever does.
So when can one say it’s time to quit a relationship?
When you are no longer loved, wanted and appreciated in your relationship, then it’s time you call it quits. A relationship where you aren’t loved and appreciated is not a relationship to be in, and it goes against everything a relationship should stand for.
When you begin to lose yourself in your relationship and lose value of who you really are, then you should quit the relationship. Your relationship should make you a better person, not make you lose value of who you are.
A relationship without a future is also not ideal for you. If you want a long-term relationship that has the future in view, it should be with a partner that wants same too.
When the relationship becomes toxic and is not ideal for you, then you should call it quits. A relationship where you aren’t respected, where you are abused, taken for granted and trampled upon isn’t an ideal relationship, and you should quit such a relationship. When you are your partner no longer share the same values, the relationship could also become toxic.
When a relationship gets to this point, then I believe it’s time it should be called quit.