
There’s so much out there about everything that many people do not know, so why not share knowledge when you get it?

I have put together a large collection of facts that I’m sure you’ll find interesting, so check them out and share, so knowledge continues to spread…


1. Remember Monalisa, one of the world’s most popular and certainly most valuable paintings ever? It took Leonardo Da Vinci, 12 years to get the lips alone right.

2. There’s a fish that can cause you to have severe hallucinations (up to 3 days) when you eat it; it’s called the Sarpa Salpa. During the Roman Empire, the fish was regarded as a party drug.

3. Remember that guy from Transformers, Mark Whalberg? — growing up, he dropped out of high school to pursue his dreams, but at age 42, he went back to school and got a diploma, to set an example for his kids.

4. Having at least, an orgasm a day can add up to 4yrs to your life…700 a year can add up to 8yrs to your life.

5. Hollywood actress, Whoopi Goldberg is the only person ever to have won an Emmy, an Oscar, a Grammy, a Tony and a kids’ choice award.

6. Pop Rap star, Nelly has sent kids to college free for the last 10yrs.

7. Iceland is one of many countries without an army, but it’s still regarded as the most peaceful country in the world.

8. The sun is the perfect sphere ever observed in nature.

9. The human body is at its weakest between 3 and 4 am, and that is the time that most people die in their sleep.

10. Have you ever tried to remember a word, but can’t, and then, you end up worrying about it all day? That state is called Lethologica – the inability to recall a particular word.

11. Listening to music without vocals while you do a task, like writing reading, etc will help you concentrate better.

12. So you know the meaning of Deja vu? Well if you do not, if means remembering something you’ve seen, done or heard before. Okay, but do you know the opposite of Deja vu? the opposite of Deja Vu is Jamais Vu, it means not remembering something you’ve seen or done before.

13. Scared of falling in love? You may be suffering from a condition called philophobia.

14. According to experts, women who play online video games tend to be happier in their relationships than those who don’t.

15. According to psychologists, a relationship that lasts longer than 7 years is very likely to last a lifetime.

16. An estimated 159, 636 people die every day.

17. According to relationship experts, people tend to be more open about their emotions during late night conversations via texts.

18. According to a study, when you’re single, you tend to see happy couples, and when you’re in a relationship, all you see are happy singles.

19. Hugging someone for as long as 20 seconds releases oxytocin, which can cause you to trust them more.

20. When you walk and talk with someone, eventually, you synchronize your steps with each other.

21. ‘Hypnic jerk’ is the sudden jerk you sometimes feel when you are half asleep and feel like you’re slipping in your dream.

22. The longer couples are together, the less likely they are to say ‘I love you’ to each other.

23. The love for darkness is called ‘Nyctophilia’. Someone who finds comfort in darkness is called a ‘Nyctophilic’.

24. According to experts, when people in love stare deeply into each other’s eyes, their heartbeats synch together.

25. Men fall in love faster than women— they tend to fall in love after 3 days, but women do not fall in love at least, until date 14.

26. August has the most birthdays, February has the least, and most serial killers are born in November.

27. The more loyal you are, the more disappointments you tend to suffer.

28. Your nose is connected to the memory centre of your brain; that is why certain smells can trigger powerful memories.

29. People who have a bath first thing in the morning tend to be more creative, productive and alert.

30. Having a conversation with someone you really care about for about 60 minutes before going to sleep can help you sleep more peacefully.

31.’Textaphrenia’ is a mental disorder in which a person thinks that a text message just arrived when it actually hasn’t.

32. At the age of 16, 80% of people have already met the person they’re going to marry.

33. Women with higher IQ have a harder time finding a partner, because intelligent women would rather stay single than be with the wrong person.

34. People who get mad at each other over the silliest things are the ones who care about each other the most.

35. 98% of the time someone tells you they have to ask you a question, you think of all the bad things you’ve done.

36. The average person has about 3 to 5 best friends, and hates at least one person in their social group.

37. People who understand sarcasm well are usually good at reading people’s minds.

38. Couples who listen to similar music communicate better and tend to have longer lasting relationships.

39. ‘Clinomaina’ is the excessive desire to stay in bed all day.

40. According to psychologists, people who play video games tend to be very creative.

41. People tend to reply texts faster when it’s someone they like.

42. When a person dies, they usually have 7 minutes of brain activity left— It’s the brain playing back the person’s memories in a dream sequence.


Hope you enjoyed these facts? Don’t forget to share!

