Trust me, I’m not referring to the movie; it’s all booze talk. I call alcohol a three edged sword, it can do, undo and overdo; it just depends on the role you give to it. I once did a piece a while back on guys and alcohol: a nutcase; and this time around I’m going deeper into booze talk.

Alcohol can be a man’s best friend and that same alcohol can bring his downfall. I’m not going to talk about all scientific brouhaha that comes with the territory; it’s all normal stuffs that we can all relate with.

Even though so many people frown at the consumption of alcohol, it still has so many good sides. In time of merriment, there is no better form of drink to use than an alcoholic drink. Like people would say “there is no cool party without alcohol”; I just even can’t imagine how it would turn out.

Also, recent studies have also shown that moderate alcohol consumption can boost the immune system, strengthen it so it can help the body to fight various infections. Another study also by Psychology department in Carnegie Mellon University found that moderate drinking could prevent cold; there are countless other good things that alcohol can do to the body.

However, alcohol also has its ugly side when it’s misused; anemia, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cirrhosis and dementia are just some of them, not forgetting that alcohol can aid in weight gain if not controlled.

Minus the health issues, alcohol can be addictive and alcohol surely isn’t a nice friend to get addicted to. Being an alcoholic surely can make one irresponsible towards so many things in life. No addiction is good but alcohol addiction is one that can turn your life upside down, and at this stage it’s hard to stop; it’s more like your very life depends on it. Being drunk is not too good a thing but being continuously drunk is a hazard to both yourself and everyone around you; so when next you take that booze you need to know the hazards that go with the territory.

Alcohol consumption has accounted for so many accidents; it reduces your concentration level, and that’s why people are warned against drinking and driving; minus your concentration level, you tend to take more risk which you wouldn’t dare with a clear eye; and that’s a killer.

Alcohol really is a three edged sword; it has three sides; the good, the bad and the ugly. Which part do you choose? Drink responsibly.

