“Children are leaders of tomorrow.” We’ve heard that line too many times, we probably lost count. The statement is true, anyway, but even more true is that the fulfillment of that prophecy (for lack of a better word) depends very much on how much we as parents and guardians put into bringing a child up the right way.
Childhood is perhaps the most important part of a human’s development because that is the time they learn the most and even the fastest, and trust me, what they learn today may be difficult to leave tomorrow. So the more positive upbringing a child has, the more likely his future is positive. We also know that doing so isn’t very easy. It requires a lot of knowledge and dedication. With those two ingredients in place, there’s no reason why you can’t be a successful parent/guardian.
Now, while we can’t give you dedication, we can give you knowledge and information.
Here are a few things we consider very important to pay attention to in a kid’s life if they’re to have a proper development into adults.
I’ll start by injecting another popular adage, “show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are.” We are the company we keep, and that’s because we spend a lot of our time with them. So it’s easy for us to influence each other.
As a parent, you must watch out for the kind of company or friends your child keeps. There are different kinds of people out there, and anyone can get bad without proper supervision. A child who hasn’t had the right development can pass that on to yours, so it’s important to be mindful of this. I’m not saying stop them from making friends, I’m saying watch the ones they keep. Do some digging and monitoring so you’re safe.
A lot of parents are fond of allowing their kids stay all alone in their room or lounge with their friends when they visit. I get the whole ‘right to some privacy’ angle, but it’s also probably going to make you less aware of what your kids talk about. And this isn’t just about their friends, even they alone can talk about adult topics without your knowledge. Without knowledge of stuff like this, it’ll probably be too late before you can remedy the situation, but if you keep tabs on the subjects they talk about, then you can stop it right in its tracks before things get out of hand.
I know families that allow their kids watch adult content on television, and take their kids to go see adult movies at the cinema. I get that the idea may not be bad, but the outcome will because like I mentioned before, children learn faster because they like to practice what they see. The more they see violence/sex oriented scenes in movies, the more tempted they’ll be tempted to practice the same, and before you know it, things would have gone past salvaging.
The food your child grows up eating is likely the one he’ll eat into adulthood. There are a lot of foods that are bad for our health, it’s your responsibility as a parent to make sure they know about it, and keep away from it. The same applies to fashion. You can’t dress your child to look too revealing, all in the name of ‘sexiness’. The longer you do, the more interested they get in stuff like that.
The internet is a very big encyclopedia of everything, good and bad. It’s your responsibility to watch what your kids have access to online. Instead of allowing them use Google, you can block it, and instead, allow them use kiddle, which is a lot more child-friendly. Same goes for other sites that are not good for kids. Be mindful of the content they put in their phone too.
A bad adult was once a spoiled child. You can stop that from happening with your child by making sure you’re very attentive to their behavior as they morph into adulthood. How do they treat other kids around them? Do they use foul language? Are they getting insensitive to the needs of others? You can tell, and bury the habit before it becomes too difficult to handle.
Kids are our future, but we have to put in enough effort into ensuring that they are the future we desire.