
From a professional point of view, dating someone with whom you work in the same establishment is both appropriate and inappropriate, depending on the establishment in question. There are organisations where office dating is overlooked, and there are organisations where it’s seriously frowned upon. The reasons for the latter is to allow for a more professional working relationship between employees, as well as allow for more concentration on the job for which you’re hired. Even in organisations where dating is allowed between staffs, total discretion is advised, but away from what professional organisations think about office dating, what do I think about it?

Well, I have always been one to believe in fate, and the natural scheme of things. I believe that two people can be together no matter where they find themselves, and no matter what obstacles life may throw at them. People have met and fallen in love in all sorts of places, and under the strangest of circumstances. Love happens to us all, and it sometimes doesn’t seek your express approval before it takes over you.

An office environment is supposed to be a professional one, but then, you cannot ignore the fact that it is also a place that brings different sorts of people together, and since there’s contact, you cannot rule out the possibility of friendships developing, and chemistry building between these people. So, it’s not a matter of ‘if’, but of ‘when’ emotions begin to erupt. Even in organisations where it’s against code of conduct to date a co-worker, it still happens, however not all may put it out in the open.

Is it okay for one to date their co-worker then?

The decision is yours alone to make. If you find yourself in an organization where dating is allowed, and you find someone you are genuinely drawn to, you can give it a shot, but you have to consider a number of factors as you make that decision.

The first thing is you have to be sure the person you’re attracted to is ready to date a co-worker. While you may have no problem doing it, they may not like it, and if there’s a conflict there, the relationship is likely to not last.

The reason I’m saying this is because an office is a public place. People are going to be all up in your business the moment they think you’re seeing each other, and your partner or potential partner may not be ready for all of that. You could also be the type to like flaunting their relationship in public, while they on the other hand may have a big problem with that, so it’s important to make sure of these things and be certain if you’re on the same page or if you can compromise before getting together.

The other factor you have to consider is that since the office is a professional, yet public environment, you’ll most likely have work-related trouble because of your relationship. I’ll explain what I mean. You see, as much as you think you care about your partner or love interest, do not make the mistake of thinking you’re the only one who likes them. If they choose you over the other people (person), which could be anyone; even your boss, feelings will be hurt, and for that, you may suffer at work. In a nutshell, just expect plenty of envy and jealousy, and be sure you can handle it before you dabble into office dating.

Finally, marriage may eventually come into the picture, and as you know, most organisations do not allow married couples to work in the same company. So you must be willing to face that challenge when it comes, and decide whether you’ll quit for your partner or if they’ll have to do it for you.

So those are some of the primary factors you have to consider before venturing into office dating, and my candid advice to all who may be considering it is this; go ahead and do it if you find someone you genuinely care about, but until things get serious to the point of marriage, keep your relationship secret and away from your colleagues at work. That is the only way your relationship will stand the test of time.

