A lot of people end up with partners that make them feel not good enough. All in the name of ‘love and relationships’, people tend to enter this trap of being with someone who makes them feel incompetent, incapable, not too valuable, and worse still – partners who make you believe that you are so lucky to be with them. Being with a partner like this will gradually drain out every life you have in you and you wouldn’t even notice it until you feel completely worthless.
When you are with a partner who makes you feel like you aren’t good enough, you will try so hard to please that person, and you still wouldn’t; you would give everything within you to make your partner see your worth, but it’ll be to no avail.
It wouldn’t take too long for your mind to start playing games on you; you’d start to feel less than who you are, you’ll see your partner as a god and yourself as a little worthless creature; you might not necessarily say it, but you’ll act it. Also, your self-esteem, your self-worth, your perceived value and confidence will start to drop when you cling to a partner who treats you like you aren’t good enough.
One thing is also guaranteed in such a relationship – you’d never be happy. You can never find true happiness in a place where your worth is being trampled on. In the long run you wouldn’t even know what happiness means, and the longer you stay in that relationship, the more you’d lose your sense of happiness.
Finally, you deserve better. You deserve a partner that’ll make you feel worth it and will be proud to have you in his/her life. If that man or woman makes you feel otherwise, then that person doesn’t deserve you.