A study has revealed that almost half of women have another man in the background they can run to when their current relationship ends; married women inclusive.
A study carried out among 1000 women in the UK revealed that about half of women have a man in the shadows as plan B should their current relationship end.
The Plan B is more likely to be an old friend who has always had feelings for her; it could also be an ex or a colleague or someone she met at the gym.
A spokesperson for online market research company onepoll.com said “for our research to establish that almost 50 percent of women in relationships have a Plan B is a worrying sign”.
The research also found that the Plan B is probably someone she has known for around seven years and more likely someone that would be ready and waiting for unfinished business.
One in ten women revealed that their Plan B has confessed undying love for them, while one in five revealed he would drop everything for her if she asked him to.
About four in ten revealed that they met their Plan B while with their current partner and a similar number revealed that he has been there long before.
Interestingly, one in four amazingly have same feelings for their back up as they do for their partner, while an incredible 12 percent revealed that they even had stronger feelings.
So does your lady have a backup lover or are you a backup lover to another lady?
i am getting a plan B
Its gd to hv a back up lover cz u never know!!!
Am gonna get a back up too
LOL, maybe you shouldn’t
Mostly married women have plan B because their spouses are cheating or having sidekicks , so they are heartbroken and they need someone to give them the love that they lack at home
It’s true because I was one’s a back up for someone and we are still dating although she just got out of the marriage
If you hve to decide between me and someone else, choose them.
I’m back up or second choice to nobody.