
Valentine’s Day is more like a special day regarded mostly by people in relationship as it’s a day set aside to show love. I love the mood that surrounds the Valentine’s Day; the care, the love, the attention and the romance just seems to make the Valentine’s Day a special one for lovers across the world, but inasmuch as I love the Valentine’s Day, I get angered by it as well and I would share my reasons.

Valentine’s Day is like the most hypocritical day in the lives of most people in relationships. It is the most hypocritical because more attention is paid to that day rather than the relationship which is the reason why the day was set aside and marked as a day for love.

You would never see a more romantic evening than the evening of every February 14th; the tune of romance that fills the air is like a sensuous music that can’t be composed by an ordinary musician, but I still term it hypocritical. I term it hypocritical because the day prior to the Valentine’s Day and the day after the Valentine’s Day are so ordinary and a shadow of the Valentine’s Day.

People pay more attention to February 14th forgetting the essence of the relationship in the process; such days are marked with an incredible demand for rose, jam-packed movie theatres, loads of dinner dates and reservations, gift items and the lot, and that’s where it ends till probably another February 14th; forgetting to show love the remainder of the year.

The Valentine’s Day have been abused and made static; your relationship shouldn’t be fueled on the VAL’s Day only; it should be fueled every single day and the VAL’s Day should probably be the icing on the cake.

I don’t see a point where couples would shower themselves with love and care on just a particular day and the next day for almost the rest of the year would be so ordinary. Love ought to exist continually in a relationship, it shouldn’t be subjected to just one day, it should be daily, and couples who only seem to do so on the VAL’s day are clearly hypocritical about their feelings and their relationship.

I don’t see anything wrong in celebrating the Valentine’s Day but I find it unwise when the day is the centre of focus rather than the relationship and love which is the reason why the day was set aside. If you want to show love to your partner then everyday ought to be a Valentine’s Day. Make every day your Valentine’s Day and your relationship would blossom.

