Communication is everything in a relationship; a lot of it would help the relationship grow and a lack of it would build so many vices that would end up ruining the relationship. A quote by Peter Shepherd reads “Communication is the solvent for all problems and is the foundation for personal development.”
One huge mistake people in relationships make is by letting things linger for so long. The mind sometimes can be like a trash can; if you keep piling things in it and you don’t empty it, it would remain there — dirty, filthy and stinking; that’s exactly how the mind works and some people in relationships just keep piling things in and hardly let any out.
If your partner keeps doing things you don’t like, it’s best you talk about it with your partner than keep stalking and stalking till you reach boiling point. What you don’t flush out of your relationship could definitely flush you out of your relationship; you have a choice to make.
Talking to your partner is communication but raising the roof is the opposite, probably interrogation and that would never help your relationship. A quote by Stanley Horowitz reads “Nothing lowers the level of communication more than raising the voice.” I find this quote true, the fact that you should always talk to your partner when you feel bothered doesn’t mean you should make it seem like an interrogation; effective communication is always needed.
Stalking have ruined many relationships, talking have helped many relationships; there is no much difference in their spelling but a lot of difference in their meaning. Would you rather stalk and ruin your relationship or talk to your partner early enough so things don’t escalate and save your relationship?
Start talking and quit stalking, don’t be like the trash can; I would end this piece with a quote from David Augsburger, “An open ear is the only believable sign of an open heart.” Never let a grudge linger in your mind, talk about it with your partner, be open, have a free mind; do not stalk.