Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of your favourite El Crema Sunday Love Special, in what promises to be another very interesting topic.
While growing up, it seems okay to have a member of the opposite sex as a best friend and no one would see anything wrong in it. But can the same thing be said when marriage enters the picture?
This promises to be an interesting and even complicating topic; let’s read on to know Drama and Shawn’s views on the matter.
It is not in any way right for that to even happen in a dating situation, talk more of in marriage, and my reason is simple — a best friend is the closest friend anyone could have; someone you share everything with, and whom you care very much about. So if you’re going to have such a person in your life, it has to be your spouse; not some man or woman. Your spouse should be the only person you tell and share everything with, he/she should be the only one who totally gets you. The one you can share you deepest secrets, pain and joy with. Having it any other way is bound to trigger some sort of jealousy from your spouse, and that is very unhealthy for any marriage, because jealousy breeds distrust. You do not want to put your marriage in such a situation.
Apart from jealousy and insecurity (distrust) it can stir in your partner, I think you’d be making yourself vulnerable to cheating sexually as well, by allowing yourself be very close to a person of the opposite sex. We humans are very emotional people, and it’s easy for us to fall for anyone who can give us some attention and care. Having a bestie of the opposite sex can lead one into having all the wrong thoughts, which if isn’t handled maturely, can result in a sexual mishap. So as harmless as it may appear for a married person to keep a best friend of the opposite sex, it can lead to all sorts of wrongs, which can ruin a marriage or relationship, and in my opinion, it is not worth the risk.
Click below to read Shawn’s very different opinion