I’ve heard so many males say the usual “I can’t date a virgin” numerous times that it tempted or probably provoked me to write on the issue.

Just the mere mention of the word ‘virgin’ is met with contempt and ridicule that young ones who haven’t had their first share of a sexual rampage that is yet to come are ashamed to reveal their identity that they are virgins as they would be derided and treated like aliens who landed from an unheard planet; this got me thinking “is dating a virgin now old-fashioned?”

S.O.Z described virginity as a treasure people don’t value anymore and that I agree because we now live in times when young ones would rather go on a sex spree for pleasure sake than wait for the right one for treasure sake.

Most men would rather not date a lady whose ‘covert system’ is still out of bound as they would prefer a lady that can easily help them attain that much needed discharge of neuromuscular tensions. This recent trend has led to a massive annual burial of virginity as studies have shown that most people lose their virginity between ages 16 to 18.

Previous generations would tell you that being a virgin is gold, while this generation would easily mock at such insinuation. Not to judge anyone’s sexual status but I clearly feel that no one should be derided if they choose a path of staying celibate and dating someone shouldn’t also be based on sexual status.

Is dating a virgin now old-fashioned? The answer to this all points to one direction and it probably wouldn’t change anytime soon; can only get worse than this.

