Hello everyone, welcome to today’s edition of Elcrema Sunday love Special; today’s topic has to do with age as regards dating, relationship and marriage.
It’s normal when people date or marry someone older than them, and in many cases, the relationship goes on very well. However, dating someone who’s older than you to the extent of being old enough to be your parent or grandparent is frowned upon by many.
Do you think it’s love motivated or it’s motivated by other factors.
Drama and Shawn would share their opinion on the subject.
Yes, it’s true that love can take you by surprise and make you do things that you won’t ordinarily do; while it might be love in your eyes, it could probably be foolishness in the eyes of others.
However, dating someone more than twice older than you is quite disturbing. Age they say is just a number; that’s a statement that I find quite imbalanced though. If age can affect so many things we do in life then age is probably not just a number. In most constitutions in the world, a 16-year-old child won’t be eligible to vote, and a man/woman less than 35 won’t be allowed to contest for certain government positions. Even in the natural order, there are certain things that take place which just shows that age isn’t just a number.
I’m quite unsure if a 21-year-old lady dating a 70-year-old man is a sign of love, or if a 23-year-old man dating a 67-year-old woman is a sign of love. When the age gap between couples is 10, 15 or even 20 years then there is every possibility that it’s a sign of love. People tend to enjoy dating older men and women and feel good doing it. But I’m not so sure if people would really love to date someone 40 or 50 years older than them except there is something to gain.
You might want to criticise my opinion for being harsh, but it’s borne out of two major reasons. First, young people in their 20’s especially are usually exuberant, and love a world filled with energy, and I doubt if that energy would be found in a partner that’s terrifyingly older than them. When a young person is in love, they even love to show off their partners, but that’s rarely the case in such relationships with way older persons. Plus you would hardly see a younger man checking out an elderly woman on the street.
My second reason however is the major reason why I fault such unions. In every case I’ve seen such relationships, the older partner is usually not just rich but wealthy. Never have I seen a young person date a poor old man or woman. So to me it’s either they have fallen in love with the money or they have fallen in love with the money. This is a classic situation of the fact that money can actually buy love; so if you think it’s love then we are both right — the money kind of love.
Click below to read Drama’s opinion