couple laughing

Husbands, if you want a good marriage, you should make your wife feel loved and special everyday.

Below are 35 ways you can show your wife you truly love her

1. Surprise her with gifts.

2. Hold her hand while taking a walk with her. Women appreciate small, meaningful touches.

3. Take her out on a date regularly.

4. Tell her you love her.

5. Do the dishes.

6. Cook her dinner.

7. Always thank her daily for her efforts at home. Whether it’s cooking, or getting the kids ready for school, don’t forget to appreciate her.

8. Take her shopping. Women love shopping and please don’t ask me why.

9. Send her a text message while you are at work telling her how much you love her.

10. Give her a massage.

11. Run some errands for her when you get the chance.

12. Kiss her every morning.

13. Watch her favourite show with her.

14. Before making any decision, ask for her opinion. She wants to feel important.

15. Be the first to say “I’m sorry”.

16. Always sit next to her.

17. Always tell her how beautiful she is.

18. Listen to her if she has something to say.

19. Help her get the kids ready for school.

20. Compliment her in front of others.

21. Encourage her to do the things that make her happy.

22. Turn off the TV and spend some quality time with her.

23. Get her the things she lacks without her asking.

24. Tell her how much you love her new hair.

25. Come home early when you have the chance to.

26. Thank her for being a wonderful wife and mother.

27. Cuddle her without trying to have sex.

28. Don’t flirt with other women.

29. Help her do the laundry.

30. Don’t talk bad about her even when she’s not with you.

31. Open the door for her.

32. Carry her purse for her in public.

33. Don’t disrespect her parents.

34. Don’t forget her birthday.

35. Make good love to her.

