Apart from the fact that the average human has about 32 teeth, what else do you know about the teeth (both for humans and animals)? Well, I’ll let you be the judge of that after reading this post.
1. The hardest part of the human body is the tooth enamel.
2. About 80% of dental injuries sustained by kids usually occur to their front teeth.
3. According to research, 50% of people say a smile is the first thing they notice about other people.
4. In the United States alone, about 14 million gallons of toothpaste is consumed annually.
5. An average person spends about 38 days of their life brushing their teeth.
6. Snails have 7 teeth less than the average human — 25, and they’re found on their tongue.
7. Once a tooth gets knocked out, it starts to die in about 15 minutes.
8. An average human produces enough saliva to fill 2 swimming pools in his lifetime.
9. You can make a knocked out tooth live longer by placing it in milk or holding it in your mouth.
10. Mosquitoes have about 47 teeth.
11. Milk teeth actually starts to form in the womb, but are not visible until after 6 months – one year of a baby’s birth.
12. Brushing daily reduces your chances of suffering tooth decay by 25%.
13. Unlike humans who have 2 sets of teeth in their lifetime, sharks have 40.
14. Anually, students around the world lose 51 million hours of school due to dental health related issues.
15. 1/3 of the teeth are found inside the gums.
16. There are more bacteria in the mouth than there are people in the world.
17. Remember George Washington? He only had one real tooth!
And those were some facts about the teeth. I hope you have learned a thing or 2 from this post. Do not forget to share this with your friends and family, so they too can learn.