It’s only too normal to see a couple breakup from their relationship, or one partner dumping the other irrespective of the other partner’s feelings.
But why do men dump their women and why do women dump their men? How do they go about the breakup?
A 2012 survey conducted by dating site aimed to find the major reasons why men and women breakup. To conduct the study, 1000 men and women were used. The study found that women tried to be gentler when trying to breakup with their partner and use emotional reasons to back up their decision. While for men, lack of physical attraction and bad sex are some of the major reasons why they dump their women.
Below are findings from the study:
The Top 10 Reasons women give when breaking up:
1. I am not ready for commitment yet.
2. This is going too fast for me.
3. You don’t earn enough money.
4. You are not mature enough
5. I need to concentrate on my career
6. I don’t like your friends or family.
7. It’s just not working.
8. We are not going to get married, so what’s the point?
9. We have not got enough in common.
10. I don’t trust you.
The Top 10 Reasons men give when breaking up:
1. It’s just not working.
2. I’ve met someone else.
3. I’m not attracted to you anymore.
4. We’ve lost that sexual spark.
5. It’s not you, it’s me.
6. I need to concentrate on my career
7. We want different things.
8. I don’t want to see you anymore.
9. I am not ready for commitment yet.
10. We have not got enough in common.
According to founder Brandon Wade, a high number of online daters jump quickly from one relationship to the next.
“They meet someone they like, have some fun and then quickly moved on. If you are going to be a success dating online, you have to learn how to end a relationship without causing too much fuss,” he said.