
If your girlfriend has the qualities listed below, you should never let her go because she is the best girlfriend any man could ever ask for.

Here are 14 signs you have the best girlfriend in the world

1. You have the best girlfriend in the world if you have a girlfriend who can meet you at an intellectual level. Having an intelligent girlfriend will keep you on your toes as a man.

2. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend doesn’t feel the need to check on you every second to know where you are because she trusts you.

3. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend makes you want to be a better man.

4. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend always finds little ways to express how much she cares about you.

5. You have the best girlfriend in the world if you and your girlfriend have an undeniable attraction towards each other.

6. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend always wants to be by your side but still respects your space and avoids being clingy.

7. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend loves you for who you really are and not who you pretend or try to be sometimes.

8. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend doesn’t make you choose between her and your family. She understands your family is also an important part of your life just as she is too.

9. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend doesn’t nag. She knows when to speak up and when to let things slide.

10. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend doesn’t compare you to exes she once dates. She appreciates being with you.

11. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend respects you. She never tries to belittle you in any way or form.

12. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend doesn’t try to separate you from your friends.

13. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend takes good care of herself. She is always happy to look good for herself and for you.

14. You have the best girlfriend in the world if your girlfriend is always willing to meet you half-way. Compromise is an important quality in every relationship.

