Sometimes, it isn’t just about wearing a colour of cloth because it looks nice on someone else; different skin tone is suited to different colours.
You can have a beautiful dress and still not look so beautiful in it because of the choice of colours. Colours mean a lot; colour has a lot to do with fashion; if you choose the right colours you would look great, but if you choose the wrong colours you might look off.
There are a few important tips that should be taken note of when choosing colours that would fit you. First, you have to determine the colour that would complement your eyes, your hair and your skin tone, if this is done, you would have a wardrobe that you can radiate in with each dress you wear.
There are two different colouring to take note of – warm and cool colours.
Warm colours are defined by these features:
– Brown or green eyes
– Dark brown or black hair
– Light yellowish- brown skin (beige)
– Reddish or golden brown hair
– Olive or golden skin/ skin that tans easily
If this defines your skin tone and hair or eye characteristics then the colours that best suits you are red, golden brown, golden yellow, peach, orange and olive green.
Cool colours have the following characteristics
– Pale or fair skin and skin that burns easily
– Grey or blue grey eyes, hazel, light green or blue eyes
– Blonde hair
– Light or medium brown hair
If this defines your complexion and hair or eye characteristics, the suitable cloths for you are a dark greenish-blue colour (teal), turquoise, purple, blue, pink and red.
Though, I must add that there is no universal rule to selecting colours, just that these aforementioned colours best fits your skin tone, though this isn’t to say that you must stick concretely to these colours. Also, you can pair complementary colours and still look great.