We can never get enough of love, dating and relationship; not even a book the size of ten encyclopedias put together would teach you everything you need to know; but you can actually get some basics from various books and online sites; and like we all know, Elcrema is one of those outlets that never jokes about love and relationship, so we would always tell you what you need to make your relationship better.

Now this piece is actually for every serious-minded guy out there that has someone special in his life. If you notice, so many guys out there have lost a lady that they actually did care about, not because they wanted to lose that person or that they didn’t care but because they didn’t take notice of so many important things that happened along the line. Attention to details is one aspect of every relationship people fail to take note of.

Relationships have a way of making us blinded to who and what we actually value and this is the sole reason why relationships come and go away; just like season. I would always tell people; if only we can just maintain fifty percent of the efforts we put in when the relationship is new and fresh, most relationship won’t fade away. Have you ever wondered why a new relationship is so sweet and loving? But as it grow older, it becomes less attractive; the passion fades away as time goes on; most people would say they stopped loving each other but I’d say they didn’t pay attention to details.

Every laugh, every smile, every shout, every tease, every fun, every argument, every moment, everything that revolves around a relationship actually passes a message but we probably never take notice; we hardly pay attention to details.

This piece is for everyone but I specify it for guys mostly because I feel the man should bear the brunt of every relationship compared to the lady. Ladies look up to their man; so yes, it is the role of every man to make his lady happy, to notice when she’s sad, to notice when she just needs a peck on the cheek, to notice when she just needs someone to talk to, to notice when she needs someone to make her smile, to notice when she just needs a shoulder to lean on.

The difference between a relationship that works and a failed relationship isn’t the presence or lack of love; no, it’s the presence of attention to details that makes it work. Love can be abundant in a relationship but when there is no attention to details that relationship would only flop.

One striking thing I’ve noticed about relationships is that ladies pay attention to details way more than men; that’s the reason why they feel the pain the most. So I urge every serious minded guy out there; pay attention to everything (no matter how little) that concerns your relationship and you would never lose the lady that you actually do care about.

