We have always reiterated that underwear plays a big role in being sexy and feeling sexy. That’s the reason why some time ago, we brought the topic—bring the sexy to your underwear. Back in October, I did an article; 4 things every sexy woman knows and I mentioned that a sexy woman is sexy to her underwear.
Interestingly, humans are not the only ones interested in underwear as scientists have discovered that even male rats prefer female rats in lingerie.
To conduct the study, twelve virgin rats were allowed to mate with rats wearing bras and afterwards, would choose females wearing the ‘lingerie’.
The male rats would caress the females wearing lingerie with their whiskers before passionate lovemaking, according to the Concordia University, Montreal study.
It found that ‘naked’ rats were no longer attractive to them. The rats would feel female rats with their whiskers if they were wearing the lingerie.
Study co-author Professor Gonzalo Zunino told LiveScience that the rats learned; “Each time my partner wears [the bra], I’m going to have sex.”
So ladies, do you really take your lingerie serious? There is something about the male gender and lingerie.
But come to think of it, what would the world be without scientists?