No one wants to be a reject; no one wants to be isolated; no one would love it when people run away from them; and that’s what body odour can do to you. People have body odour even without knowing and for that reason others don’t feel comfortable with them. Strangely, people with bad odour don’t even know that they smell. There are so many things that can cause a bad odour and there are also ways to get that fresh scent. Scientists have researched that some people cannot detect certain molecules; that is, their nostrils may be able to detect other smells but not the smell emanating from their armpits or their own body.

Sweat is one of the major causes of a bad odour. Everybody sweats but not everyone smells. Sweat itself doesn’t really smell but it allows bacteria to thrive on our skin thereby giving us that smell. The bacteria break down sweat into aromatic fatty acids which produces unpleasant odour. The simple remedy is bathing regularly; if you sweat regularly then you should bathe regularly.

Puberty age is also another important stage to take care of yourself to avoid having a bad odour; the body is involved in various changes and really needs absolute care.

People who are obese, those that eat spicy foods regularly as well as individuals with certain medical conditions are more susceptible to having body odour.

Well there are certain ways one can reduce or prevent body odour apart from bathing regularly; let me share some below;

– Wash your under arms regularly.

– Change your clothes and inner wears daily.

– Always carry a hanky if you are the sweaty type (a neat one though), wipe off perspiration regularly.

– Store clothes where air can get to them.

– Know that deodorant isn’t a permanent way to eliminate odour, can even worsen it if you are the sweaty type.

– Adjust your diet; what you eat has an impact on how you smell. Eat healthy.

– Consult your doctor if the odour is a persisting one.

No one loves a bad odour; don’t chase your friends away cos of how you smell. Feel fresh today, kick that body odour out.

