First of all, I wanna say I am very glad to be here again with you guys, I always look forward to our lively and educative debates on this segment. Now, to the subject of the day…
If you have followed my arguments on this platform, you realize that I tend to be a little unorthodox in my thinking sometimes. I do not follow the bandwagon, and that is because I believe that matters of the heart should be treated with some discretion and maturity.
Marriage, as I have always maintained, is a delicate affair that if not handled well, can be bad for the parties involved. Before you set out to find a wife, your target must be someone who you can align with, someone who can understand you; someone that can make you happy and someone who thinks in the same direction as yourself…every other thing is secondary; including their cooking skills. The reason I say this is simple, you can easily work on a bad cooking skill, but you can hardly change a bad person to good one per se.
What I’m trying to say in effect, is that it’s not excuse enough to dump a woman who is endowed with a host of good qualities simply because she is lacking in the kitchen department. If you truly love this person, then nothing should stop you from settling for her. If her cooking is so bad, then why not help her be better by teaching her yourself, if yours is good enough? Or better still, get her professional help. The primary thing in marriage is understanding; once you have it with your partner, you’re good to go or would you rather trade good manners for a good pot of soup? (I believe no sane man would). I love the way men from more civilized parts of the world think; always putting their emotions and feelings first… if they want you, they do, and ain’t nothing changing it.
I believe I’ve made my point, when it comes to marriage, love and understanding should always come first. Do not be like Easau who traded his birth right for porridge. Do not trade your ultimate happiness and peace for a pot of soup.
Click below for my (Shawn) opinion
Man shall not live by bread alone. Drama said it all. If your wife can cook it’s a plus. However, if it is the other way. There is a solution.