Inasmuch as dating your best friend’s ex is seen as unruly by many I still have my reservations about the matter. Dating your best friend’s ex is as complicated as mathematics and has so many complications on its own but in my own opinion it’s still a personal decision which still balls down to both parties that want to have a relationship together.

First, your best friend’s ex wasn’t his wife; there is no legal union binding his friend and his ex-girlfriend; they weren’t married and that is the simple truth. If marriage is the case then it’s another scene entirely but since it’s just dating then your best friend has no right to the lady, they just had something which didn’t work out for them.

Secondly, love can take you anywhere and if it leads you to your best friend’s ex would you then run away from it? You guys may later fall in love and it might even be true love at that but would you then lie to yourself because of your friend? Would you deceive yourself and then hold your feelings just to please your friend? Is pleasing your friend at the expense of love the best bet for you? There are so many questions you should ask yourself before holding your heart. If she’s the one for you, then don’t lose her.

Breaking up with someone shows that they are both ready to let go and they decided it is best for them because they are incompatible. It would be immature to still be jealous of her when you both decided to let go of each other.

Placing restrictions on your ex is just like a childish guy code to me; you guys broke up because you weren’t compatible and putting a stop sign on your ex shows nothing but greed, if it’s over then it’s over. Like people say, let bygones be bygones.

Friends are friends and should remain friends and shouldn’t let petty things stand in their way. A guy should be man enough to tell his friend about his true feelings and his friend should be understanding as well. I’m not against dating your best friend’s ex in any way but I’m against dating her without telling your friend.

If you truly fall in love with your best friend’s ex ,then follow your heart but if it isn’t love then don’t.

That’s our take on the matter but can you really date your friend’s ex?

