Some women love to smile, some don’t; some smile only when they are happy, some rarely smile, some frown more than they smile, some just don’t know how to smile.
Smiling is a beautiful thing, and women who smile would always have an edge over women who don’t smile. Smiling is the best beauty treatment any woman can give herself. A research study conducted by Orbit Complete discovered that 69% of people find women more attractive when they smile than when they are wearing makeup. This goes on to show how important smiling really is.
Minus the fact that smiling makes you more beautiful, smiling also makes you likeable. Forget the crave for makeups, smiling is the best makeup you can get; a smiling face would charm almost every man.
Being a woman who smiles would also make people have good perception about you; it’s the best love potion you can get, and it comes at no cost. Scientists have discovered that smiling is way easier than frowning; your muscles are exercised when you smile, and smiling comes with a lot of health benefits.
It’s easier to be with a smiling woman than a frowning woman, and men see women like these as angels, beautiful, peace-loving and charming. Smiling has so many endearing qualities, frowning has none.
The best beauty treatment you can give yourself as a lady is a smiling face.